PROEXCA - Gobierno de Canarias
IA (27)-1
Lleguemos lejos - Crecer, atraer e impulsar

Tropical Fruits Trade Mission in the Canary Islands

Join us in the Canary Islands to experience the excellence of premium Tropical Fruits firsthand.

November 20th – 23rd 2023

Continuing our mission to fortify commercial bonds between Canarian and British agri-food enterprises, built on the successful partnership established during last year's 'Beyond The Wharf' event, Proexca, the economic promotion agency of the Government of the Canary Islands, is organizing a trade mission set in the Canary Islands.

This mission is designed to provide an immersive encounter with the exceptional tropical fruits cultivated on our islands, destined for global markets.


The trade mission will include:

  • Round flight tickets from the UK
  • Transport from the airport to the hotel
  • Transport to the fields and business meetings
  • Flight tickets between islands if neccessary 

Who is this trade mission targeted to:

We seek the participation of UK companies specializing in importing tropical fruits, wholesale distribution, procurement experts catering to retail, direct retailers, and esteemed members of the Fresh Produce Consortium.

Featured among the assortment of fruits are avocados, mangoes, papayas, bananas, dragon fruit, and blueberries.

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November 20th - 23rd 2023


Gran Canaria /Tenerife


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Diseño sin título (20)-1

The aim of this trade mission is to provide an all-encompassing experience for British importers, showcasing diverse cultivation methodologies and firsthand quality controls. Our goal is to reinforce existing trade relationships between British and Canarian enterprises while cultivating novel avenues of business opportunity.



Historical ties between the United Kingdom and the Canary Islands

The longstanding commercial and social ties between the United Kingdom and the Canary Islands are widely acknowledged. The distinct advantages of collaborating with a European region (product features, production methods, commitment to sustainability, safety measures, and its distinctive attributes when compared to products from other nations) and the profound expertise of local producers, make this event an unparalleled occasion.

Photo: Queen Elizabeth II at the exhibition of the Northern Tenerife Farming Federation at the Food Fair held in Olympia Hall in London, 1954. 

Internacionalizar una empresa es un gran reto
Más de 1200 iniciativas. 3000 empresas participantes y asesoras

Hemos puesto en marcha más de 1200 programas, acciones y actividades para impulsar el desarrollo de empresas canarias en mercados internacionales, como por ejemplo Canarias Aporta, Aporta Islas no Capitalinas, Programa de asistencias técnicas, o el Programa de Licitaciones Internacionales Tendeboost.

Más de 3.000 empresas, emprendedores y profesionales han mejorado su operativa participando en nuestros programas, misiones y acciones de asesoramiento.

Ganarse la confianza de empresas inversoras exteriores es un gran reto
Más de 200 empresas extranjeras atraídas a Canarias. Más de 500 millones de euros de inversión atraída.

Estas cifras son posibles gracias a la intensiva labor de promoción llevada a cabo en ferias, misiones inversas y campañas de posicionamiento para atraer empresas de diferentes sectores como el audiovisual, tecnológico, marino marítimo, actividades de innovación e I+D, desarrollo de videojuegos, etc.

Formarse para el futuro que viene es un gran reto
Estadísticas Crecer
Apoyo emprendimiento e impulso de proyectos liderados por mujeres333EEE

Don't miss this great opportunity and register before October, 13th, 2023.

We urge you to complete the registration at your earliest convenience to ensure ample time for processing your trip.

Register now